Wednesday, July 22, 2009

turn on

"turn on"

a good friend of mine starts his days with this seductively simple mantra. i kind of liked it so i claimed it for a bit, hoping i could catch some of its implied optimism. though not new to the rather self-indugent idea of documenting your thoughts (i've kept a journal since i was 9), i am a cyber virgin, so here goes...

the whole idea of being "on" most, if not all the time probably resonates with most single ladies. whether at work, with friends on a night out, at home with the fam, at church, at weddings, funerals or even on a date - there is this need to be ON! our moms, guy friends and attached/married friends tell us "you never know when you will meet that guy" and so we journey on...totally ON, all the damn time. but even at the best of times, my timing seems to be im ON when no-one cares and OFF when it's the perfect opportunity to meet a really good guy. why are the good guys never around when im ON my a-game? why does every guy want to talk to you when you just want to hang out with the girls or be invisible at the bar (thus the hoody and uggs, buddy)?

is it me or is this totally exhausting? i've been ON and out there for over 10 years now and i am narked. im ready to abort mission and go for the shortcut!

the whole idea of men-oirs comes from this obstinate resistance to being ON all the time. when chatting with my girls about their ghosts on men past, present and future, we've found that we all date the same guys at some point or another on our way 'the' guy. so if a girlfriend has already been through it, why not eliminate the guess work, i ask. so we share our wisdom, spot the real LV from the fake and help each other stumble along to mr right...and have a good laugh on the way.

so,'s ON!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lol love it Busi, i think a lot of women can share in the moments of meeting THE GUY when you were at your SHADIEST - we were once invited to a 'get together' we were told no 'biggie' thus as per brief we took it as a chilled day- we get there not looking our best and you look around- wow Brothers! and we were dressed as my friend exclaimed as the 'maids for the day' true to my friend's words "you never know when you will meet your LEO"- ALWAYS look good! but i guess on a flip side not that i have ever heard of it, when you meet THE GUY when you are not ON then hey it must be true love lol as "he takes you as you are"

  3. W.O.W BUSI!

    You should see me laughing and smiling (with my screen), my face is gleaming at the prospect of all the good times that this blog's going to bring.

    SO MUCH FUN!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT :) Can't wait till everyone gets in on it.


  4. Someone as stylish as you would never wear Uggs, surely? Tell me it aint so! Wecome to the bloggersphere my friend. I look forward to reading more. Rxx

  5. The internal dialogue when you're in that hoodie and those uggs is so hilarious (goes something like "OMG OMG OMG - please don't look down at my uggs").

    He he. I loved the "spotting the real LV from the fakes" comment - I think Ms Bradshaw officially has some competition.

    I'm expecting big things from this blog and look forward to more from ya - so don't disappear now! Tx
